Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Room shoot : the arguments of the anti sifted – Obs

This is a first in France. A “consumption room safer”, more known under the name of “room shoot”, has just been inaugurated on Tuesday, October 11 at Lariboisière hospital in the 10th arrondissement of Paris, near the gare du Nord in the heart of the area most affected by the use of hard drugs. It will be directed by the association Gaia Paris. For months, a part of the local residents and elected officials from the right have voiced their opposition to this experiment. Two other rooms will open soon their doors in Strasbourg, and Bordeaux. “Obs” is the point on the arguments of the anti.

“Room shoot” in Paris : how it works

1 – addicts will more likely to consume

This is false. After Switzerland in 1986, several countries have put in place rooms of shoot : Germany, Australia, Canada, Spain, Denmark, Luxembourg, Norway, netherlands. This allows to have a step back on such a device. According to an overview of international studies carried out in 2009 by the French Observatory for drugs and drug addiction, one of the compilations, the most recent on this topic, the rooms shoot offer, “conditions of security and hygiene which do not lead to higher levels of consumption practices or risk even more dangerous.”

COVERAGE. Ordinary day in a private shoot

2delinquency explodes nearby

A 2010 report by the Inserm on risk reduction among drug users says the opposite :

“The studies have reported a decrease in reported injecting in public, as well as a decrease in the injection equipment and waste abandoned in public space, for as far as the CIS (center supervised injection, editor’s NOTE) cover the requirements (availability, opening hours). Two studies have explored the impact of CIS on the basis of offences related to the acquisition of drugs in areas where they are implanted, and they concluded a lack of effect (positive or negative).”

Inserm specifies that “the existence of sporadic nuisances such as gatherings of consumers or deal in the vicinity of CIS has been reported.”


On October 9, on France Inter, Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet, a candidate in the primary from the right, said :

“In the room to shoot, there are no therapies. What is proposed is to have an improvement in health” but “not cover to be able to get out of them.

It is to deny the presence projected in the room in paris to a score of doctors, nurses, educators and social assistants. So far, according to a small number of studies, the drug addicts who frequent the halls of shoot are slow to enter detox. And Inserm describes this place “as a measure complementary (and not competing) with others in the palette of services offered to the users that respond to the needs of specific risk reduction related to the injection.”

A beneficial effect is certain : the rooms shoot, greatly reduces the risk of dying from a drug overdose since they enable a very rapid intervention. This is all the more true in the case of the room in paris, built in the grounds of a hospital. Moreover, the distributed material is sterile and the drug addicts have the opportunity to wash their hands, which limits the abscess due to the injections.

4HIV and hepatitis C continue to spread

to Limit the contamination by these viruses was one of the expected benefits to the opening of the first rooms of shoots in Europe. But studies are still lacking on the subject, what is meant by the Inserm that”one cannot draw conclusions on the influence of supervised injection sites on the incidence of HIV and HCV.”

Berenice Rocfort-Giovanni


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