Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Talamoni : “to Be pro-independence, this is not to declare war on France” – The Point

To move the lines of the national opinion. This is one of the objectives of Jean-Guy Talamoni. The (very cleaving) president independence published today in Avanzà ! The Corsica we want to editions Flammarion. A book of advocacy to try to “understand” the island of Beauty. At the head of the Corsican Assembly since the regional of December, which he won thanks to an alliance with the autonomist Gilles Simeoni, Jean-Guy Talamoni now wants to move forward with weapons other than those of armed struggle that he has long supported. And create a link to a “friendly” with France.

The : An editor of the “friend” to publish your book. Surprising for a pro-independence corsican…

Jean-Guy Talamoni : This book is an idea of Flammarion. The publishing house contacted me after our decision responsibilities of December. Challenged by the oath-taking ceremony on the Giustificazione on the day of our inauguration, she wished to expand the ” question of corsica “. With red wire to a permanent coming and going between the news and history. Including that of the republicanism of corsica in the Eighteenth century implemented by Pascal Paoli, and [the head of the State in corsica that has existed between 1755 and 1769, editor's NOTE], I have actually studied as a teacher-researcher at the university of Corsica.

It is ?

It was, for example, set the religious tolerance that has been a factor innovative of its policy. Just as the first Constitution of the modern era, which created, already, the non-confusion of powers. This is the angle of this republican tradition of corsica, which left the range today, which has interested Flammarion.

You say, somehow, that Corsica has things to learn in France ?

The Corsica has things to say. For instance, regarding secularism, which is a subject of burning topicality. The model created by Paoli is a secularism “quiet” which is not to eject the religion, especially the Church. In contrast to the secularism of the French, described as “virulent” by u.s. researchers. Another innovative aspect of its policy : the right of peoples to self-determination, carried out by Paoli in the Eighteenth century. Also, it will have to wait for the beginning of the Twentieth for this idea is needed…

Read also : “Avanzà” : the advocacy of Jean-Guy Talamoni

You talk of “secularism quiet” in Corsica, but given the recent news, of Sisco, and of the Gardens of the Emperor in Ajaccio, you are belied by the facts.

It has been proven, in the end, that the events of Sisco have nothing to do with the facts of religious. It is a matter of rogue. On the other hand, it is true that there has been a slippage in the case of the Emperor’s Gardens. It took place in a context of conflict, since it is the ambush of firefighters during an operation in the area which has caused this reaction. This is, in addition, an act of racism, because the attack was accompanied by insults of the type ” Dirty Corsican, you are not at home here “. In plain words, a territorial claim communitarian. The gathering of the next day to the prefecture of Ajaccio in reaction to this aggression was legitimate, but the acts that followed, with the burning of korans in a prayer room, are unjustifiable. So far, I believe that the principle of religious tolerance is still very much a reality in Corsica.


Although forced by the French model of secularism, we can implement even today. In many canteens, corsican, muslim students have always enjoyed the dishes without pork. This is the subject of a consensus, and it has not been necessary to écharper on the subject. Nobody is hard, in Corsica, to exclude kindergartens in certain public places. Secularism corsica has retained the notion of respect, which must apply, of course, and in the first place, the values of the people home. Hence our refusal to have salafists in Corsica. In July, some salafists have come in Corsica have been found outside a place of prayer for muslims, what we do not see on the continent…

the creation of The FLNC was the only reasonable solution

You write that the government “has divided the French society” at the time of the attack of Charlie Hebdo. Do you explain…

The attitude of the French government was questionable. In saying that Charlie Hebdo was the guardian of republican values through the freedom of expression, in encouraging the cartoon to be ever more blasphemous towards islam and other religions, the leaders of France have made a mistake. It was not necessary to be surprised after to see that muslims were not ” Charlie “. Without being sympathizers of the islamic State, they could feel insulted. I observe that the English and the Americans have never encouraged the cartoons, although they protect firmly the freedom of expression. In doing so, the government has divided society instead of uniting it.

You speak of the “quiet revolution” in Corsica. But the last forty years have not really been ” quiet.”

quite. But this has changed with the accession of the nationalists to the responsibilities and the exit of the underground announced in June 2014 by the FLNC. For all that, I do not deny anything of course. These forty years of struggle and clandestinity have been indispensable. The victory of last December would have been impossible otherwise. Forty years ago, the corsican people would disappear in the general indifference. The electoral process was locked up by the clan leaders, who diverted the public funds and fraudaient to the elections, covered by the French government, which passed all their turpitude, subject to their allegiance to Paris. When the FLNC was created, the fight public was to show its limits with the case of Aleria, and the use of force, face uncovered, in 1975. It ended with men in prison and in a bath of blood. The creation of an underground movement, therefore, proved to be the only reasonable solution.

With drifts wheeler-dealers, and the fratricidal war between nationalists that you pass over in silence…

I have always recognized the wrongs of the movement. In particular the terrible mistake of the clash between nationalists in the 1990s. And I have not sought excuses by rejecting the fault on Paris, even if the French State has played a role in these events. But this does not detract from the responsibility of the nationalists who have fallen in the trap. On the other hand, I’m not agreed about drift business of a magnitude greater than that experienced all the political movements. Including legal movements. Former nationalists have become, individually, of the rogue, it is possible. But for forty years, the rogue corsican do not campaign for the nationalists, as there has been for a long time that shots to take. In addition, the nationalists have always been against real estate speculation. However, the crime often has a direct interest in real estate speculation. There would be no reason to support the nationalists.

It is necessary to develop the island economically before committing to the process of independence

We feel that the objective of your book is also to ‘understand the Corse” to the national opinion and to pedagogy vis-à-vis your claims, right ?

The book is addressed not only to the French opinion. It is intended, also, to the Corsicans, to address the situation of corsica under the angle of the story, making it part of the work that I lead in addition in a scientific framework. For all that, I remain convinced that it will be difficult to ensure that a government accedes to our demands without shaking up the lines at the level of the French opinion. Because of the trends anti-corsican in the French opinion, intoxicated by a part of the parisian press, and policies that we have extremely unfavorable. However, I do not believe that the majority of the opinion is a priori a racist anti-corsican. And they need to be told that to be pro-independence, this is not a declaration of war on France. We just want to be ourselves. Explaining what we want to do for our country, the report that we want to have with France, which should be tomorrow a “friend” – I confirmed – I believe that we can change things up a bit. This is part of my mission as the president of the Corsican Assembly.


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