Samia Maktouf, lawyer for the victims of the attacks of Paris has seized the public prosecutor of Paris after the remarks made by Eric Zemmour. It pointed to an apology of terrorism.
on The 27th of September last, the polemicist has held a conference in Versailles. Speaking of jihadists, the chronicler of RTL said that it was “people who die for their faith, (and that)there should be more admiring than scornful”.
“I respect the jihadists ready to die,”
about on which Eric Zemmour has insisted again this week, in an interview for the monthly conservative Interview. In full promotion for his new book, A five-year term for nothing, he said “respect for the jihadists.”
“I don’t think the jihadists are morons or lunatics”, or even: “I respect the jihadists ready to die for what they believe in – what we’re capable of.” said Eric Zemmour
Before you continue a few lines later: “The story is as well, innocent people die. [...] When people act because they think that their dead the their ask, there’s something respectable. And at the same time, criminal and bad, it is as well, humans are complex. So fight them, but let’s stop the scorn.”
“It insults the memory of the victims”
For Samia Maktouf, these words “should be removed, punished. By these words, it glorifies the criminal act. This
For his part, Olivier Pardo, the lawyer for Eric Zemmour argues for an error of interpretation of the words of his client: “he wanted to say that the members of the islamic State are not weak-minded, it is a strong organization. The amalgamie with those who support terrorists, it is amazing, idiotic and dangerous”.
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